I have been working in the translation industry since 2005. For several years I collaborated with Helion SA Publishing Group in translating business-themed handbooks, including publications by Harvard Business School Press. Currently I work as a freelance translator, cooperating with international translation companies, with end clients in the banking sector, hospitality, insurance, air transport, IT, sports and entertainment industries.
I have developed my linguistic skills and knowledge of different cultures the best way – on the ground, living and working in the USA, the UK, and Germany, where I am now based. My fluency in English and German was confirmed with a Master’s degree in English from the Catholic University of Lublin, Poland (2002), a Ph.D. in Chicano/a literature from Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany (2010), and a range of German language certificates, including leading language qualification in Business German – Prüfung Wirtschftsdeutsch International from the Goethe-Institut Frankfurt, Germany (2011).
Dealing with marketing texts, PR materials, website content or online games can be as much an act of copywriting as translation. A passion for “storytelling” plus a thorough knowledge of cultural and literary theories, combined with my interest in international brands and corporate marketing, gives me an extra edge in providing creative translation for business. In short, because I enjoy the challenge… you will enjoy the results!